Hello again. It's been a while, hasn't it? Remember that thing I wrote on
posting regularly? Yeah, me neither. I'm still trying to figure out how it's June already. Another school year down. I start summer classes today, though, so I'm missing that nice definitive break that lends itself to the feeling that something has ended and something else is starting. Instead it just feels like more of the same (but the continuity is kind of nice).
But here are some updates anyway:
- I'll be studying abroad in Lancaster (the one not in Pennsylvania) in the fall and I think I'll apply to be a vlogger for DU. Because vlogging sounds cool and new, and I like cool and new.
- I'm still interning at the same place, so I guess that's more of a non-update.
- I'm working on building my website, which is why you'll now find this blog at blog.jackimasson.com rather than just jackimasson.com, which doesn't lead to much of anything at this point.
- My new favorite Pandora playlist is Calm Meditation Radio, because everyone could use a little more calm meditation in their lives.
- Netflix show of the summer: Life. Because it's fantastic.

And that's pretty much it. Don't worry, though, I'm sure I'll be back soon with something a little more interesting, but I've noticed that if I wait for inspiration to strike I never feel quite inspirational enough to actually do anything. You know what they say: "Never do today what can be put off 'til tomorrow."
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